Zinc: Fundamental Mineral for Vitality and Health
Zinc, this super-mineral essential to health , plays a fundamental role in various biological processes. Known for its antioxidant properties and its positive impact on the immune system , zinc is truly a key element for maintaining optimal health. It is also involved in cell growth , wound healing , and cognitive function . Additionally, zinc plays a crucial role in reproductive health , participating in sperm production and influencing testosterone levels. By integrating this super-mineral into our daily lives, we nourish our body with an essential element for vitality and overall well-being.
Zinc contributes:
- normal DNA synthesis,
- normal acid-base metabolism (regulation of blood acidity),
- normal carbohydrate metabolism,
- normal cognitive functions,
- normal fertility and reproduction,
- normal metabolism of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids),
- normal fatty acid metabolism,
- normal metabolism of vitamin A,
- normal protein synthesis,
- maintaining normal bones, hair and nails,
- maintaining normal skin,
- at normal levels of testosterone in the blood,
- maintaining normal vision,
- normal functioning of the immune system,
- to protect cells against oxidative stress.
Zinc also has a role in the process of cell division. ( *Results of scientific evaluations carried out for health claims by the European Food Safety Authority - European Commission, 2016).
Zinc and Sexual Health: The Powerful Ally for Fulfilling Intimacy
When it comes to sexual health, zinc stands out as a powerful ally. Studies have shown that zinc helps maintain healthy levels of testosterone , the key hormone linked to libido and sexual performance. For men, adequate zinc can support sperm quality , thereby improving fertility. In women, zinc is also crucial, playing a role in hormonal regulation and reproductive health. Ensuring sufficient zinc absorption effectively supports sexual function and promotes a fulfilling intimate life.
Did you know ? The Unexpected Links of Zinc with Taste and Olfaction
Zinc still has some amazing surprises in store! Did you know that zinc is linked to the sense of taste and olfaction? It is involved in the synthesis of proteins involved in the perception of flavors and odors. Zinc deficiency can affect these senses, potentially leading to a decreased appetite. By ensuring adequate zinc intake, you not only support your sexual health, but you can also influence the way you view the culinary world around you. Zinc, a mineral with multiple talents, reveals surprising aspects of its influence in our daily lives.
References :
- Anses (2016) Updating the PNNS benchmarks: Development of nutritional references. Collective expert reports. Scientific edition. Link
- Anses (2009) INCA2 survey. Link
- Anses (2017) Table of nutritional composition of foods from Ciqual. Link
Zinc is present in our tablet: Love Tonic.
Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered on the Delikao site replace a consultation or diagnosis made by a doctor or health professional, the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.